MinuteBox 3.1 Update

A new dimension of entity management

MinuteBox 3.1 is the newest version of MinuteBox and it's available to all users. As MinuteBox is born in the cloud, there is nothing needed for you or your users to install or update.

Our Top 5 Guide to MinuteBox 3.1

While there are hundreds of upgrades and fixes across the entire platform, here's our Customer Success Team's Top 5 (in no particular order).

Re-usable Document Packages

You can now package documents together. Now you can re-use precedents across the entire system from small snippets to entire repeatable packages.

Form & PDF Annotation

You can now upload PDFs directly into a document or package. Use our annotation features to annotate any of your PDFs – at the individual entity or precedent level.

Advanced Transactions

User our brand new Advanced Transactions Editor to create, repeat and automate corporate actions in seconds.

Dynamic Registers & Ledgers

Our most requested feature, made the MinuteBox Way. Our Dynamic Registers & Ledgers are automatically generated based on your entity data. Changes to your entities will automatically and dynamically update your registers and ledgers without you having to ever leaving MinuteBox.

Share Capitalization & Ownership Charts

Like our Dynamic Registers & Ledgers, your Entity View now automatically displays the share capitalization (Cap Table) and ownership chart based on your entity data.


The Magic Wand

The Magic Wand makes working with the Minute Book view as simple as magic. Learn more about the Magic Wand here.