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Copy text from your existing precedents into MinuteBox - format it, apply Logic and Repeats, (data is pulled automatically from your Entity) then export the completed document to Word

Step One - Copying Your Word Precedent Text into MinuteBox

  1. Open your precedent document in Word
    1. Select the text (ctrl+a)
    2. Copy the text (ctrl+c)
  2. In MinuteBox click Every Precedent, in the left-hand panel. A list of your Precedents are displayed
  3. Click the + at the upper right
    1. Click Add New Precedent
  4. In the blank screen displayed, paste the text (ctrl+v) you copied from Word 
    The pasted Word text appears stripped of formatting

Step Two - Naming Your Document

It is extremely important that you develop meaningful naming conventions when using DocGen as this will allow you to create "folder-like" Filters in your Precedent List allowing you to easily locate your Precedents going forward

  1. Click the Document button in DocGen Toolbar. The Document Options panel opens on the right-hand side of your screen
  2. In the Document Title field, type a meaningful name for your document

Step Three - Formatting Your Document

Looking back at our document above. In Word the following formatting was used:

  • RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTORS-  Centered + Heading 1
  • OF, Entity Name and (the "Corporation") - centered, Corporation also bold
  1. Apply Headings, bold, underline, italics etc.
    1. Delete this blank line - place your cursor directly to the left of the word RESOLUTION and backspace to delete 
    2. Apply Heading 1 to RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTORS
      Click anywhere in the line
      Click the DocGen  Format button located at the top of the screen
      The Formatting Panel appears at the right, click Heading 1

      - Select the text.
      The Format Toolbar appears. Click the Centre icon
    3. Centre these three lines of text - select each line in turn, click the Centre icon in the Format Toolbar, click the centre icon.
      NOTE: each line has to be centered individually
      NOTE: To also Bold the word "Corporation" select the text, then click B on the Format Toolbar
    4. Bold the word RECITAL - select the text, click B on the Format Toolbar (☝️ ctrl+b can be used to bold the text)
    5. Bold the words NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT - select the text, click B (or ctrl+b) on the Format Toolbar
    6. Bold and Underline the words Financial Statements - select the text, click B and U on the Format Toolbar (ctrl+b, ctrl+u can be used to bold and underline the text)
    7. Bold the word DATED - select the text, click B on the Format Toolbar (or ctrl+b)

Step Four - Applying Numbering Styles

  1. Adjust the spacing here - place your cursor directly to the left of the word The, tap your spacebar four times to move the text over
  2. Apply Numbered Paragraph style here
    1. Place your cursor to the left of word The and backspace over 1. to delete it
    2. Click the Format button in the DocGen toolbar located at the top of the screen. The Formatting Panel appears at the right
    3. Click 1) List. The paragraph numbering now looks like this

Step Five - Adding Fill-Ins

This is where DocGen truly shines. Any data which has been entered into your Entity Information Summary can be pulled directly into your Precedent documents using Fill-ins

In our example there are three Fill-ins

  1. An Entity Name Fill-In goes here
  2. For Fiscal Year End we will use a Text Fill-In to allow you to select the appropriate year
  3. A Date Fill-In goes here

Creating the Entity Name Fill-In

  1. Select the placeholder in your text which is to be replaced by the Entity Name Fill-In
  2. Type / then entity. A list of matching options displays
  3. Click Entity Name

The Entity Name Fill-In appears where the placeholder was located

Creating the Fiscal Year End Text Fill-In

  1. Select the placeholder in your text which is to be replaced by the Text Fill-In
  2. Type / then text. A list of matching options displays
  3. Click Text

The Text Fill-In appears where the placeholder was located, identified with the words Not set

Customizing the Text Fill-In

  1. Click Not set. The Fill-In Options panel appears at the right-hand side of the screen
  2. Type an informational Label in the field provided

The label is designed to indicate what should be typed in the field when generating the document, see below for example 
The newly typed Label appears on your Text Fill-In

Creating The Date Fill-In

  1. Select the Placeholder in your text which is to be replaced by the Date Fill-In
  2. Type / then date.  A list of matching options is displayed
  3. Click Date

The Date Fill-In appears

Customizing the Date Fill-In

To display the date as follows xx day of, xxx, 20xx perform the following steps

  1. Click the Date Fill-in in your document. The Fill-In options panel appears at the right-hand side of your screen
  2. Click Date Format and select the appropriate choice from the drop-down list displayed

Step Six - Adding Logic to Your Document

Logic can be added to your document to automatically select text depending on the data entered in the Entity Information Summary. 

For example; the top line of our document reads RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTOR[S]. We can add logic to our document to automatically display text reading RESOLUTION OF THE SOLE DIRECTOR if there is one Director or RESOLUTIONS OF THE DIRECTORS if there is more than one Director.

Creating the Logic to Display Specific Text for a Sole Director

In our document we have three instances where we want to display different text depending on whether there is a Sole Director or Multiple Directors, these are:


  2. Financial Statements paragraph

    Sole Director - ...are approved, and the sole director is authorized...

    Multiple Directors - ...are approved, and any one of the directors is authorized... 
  3. The last paragraph

    Sole Director - The undersigned, being the sole director of the Corporation signs the...

    Multiple Directors - The undersigned, all of the directors of the Corporation sign the 

Copy and Paste the Text
  1. Select and copy the text RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTOR[S]
  2. Place your cursor directly after the S in RESOLUTION OF THE DIRECTOR[S], press Enter
  3. Paste the directly below the title line
    The pasted text appears left justified - apply Heading 1 style to this text and Centre it - See Step Three 1 b) above for details
  4. Repeat the process for the Financial Statements and the last paragraph of your document. Your document now looks like this
    ⚠️ Important Note - the copied Fiscal Year End fill-in has to be adjusted (notice it has changed colour)

    To fix, place your cursor directly after the word approval. Press Backspace
    Insert the Fiscal Year End Fill-In field a second time, see Creating the Fiscal Year End Text Fill-in above
    Paste any text that you may have deleted.

    Your paragraphs should now look like this
  5. Repeat for the last paragraph - copy the text and paste it directly after the existing paragraph. Your document now looks like this
  6. Edit the text - the first instance will display if there is a Sole Director and the second displays when there are Multiple Directors.
    Your document will now looks like this

Create the Logic to Display the Correct Text

We're going to create and apply two pieces of logic - one which will be used to apply text for a Sole Director and one to apply text when there are Multiple Directors 

  1. Create the Logic for a Sole Director  - click the Logic button in the DocGen Toolbar
  2. Click Add. The Condition modal window displays
  3. Click the Accounting Number drop-down and choose Directors from the list displayed  
  4. Click starts with, choose is
  5. Type 1 in the box provided and click Ok. The new Logic "puzzle piece" appears in the right-hand Logic panel
  6. Create the Logic for Multiple Directors - repeat steps 1 - 3 above
  7. Click the Starts With drop-down and choose is more than
  8. Type 1 in the field provided and click Ok 

    Your new "Puzzle Pieces" appear in the Logic panel on the right-hand side. Notice the puzzle pieces are different colours

Apply the Logic to the Text

  1. Hover over the text to which you want to apply the Sole Director Logic; i.e., this piece of text will display if the Entity has only one Director
    1. Three small icons appear to the left of the line, click the puzzle shaped piece
    2. Click "directors" _count = 1
  2. To apply the Multiple Director Logic repeat the steps above, choosing "directors" > 1 when the options are provided
  3. Repeat the same steps for the two other instances, your document will now look like this:

Step Seven - Adding Repeats to Your Document

Repeats are used by MinuteBox to automatically display all Directors (or Officers, or Shareholders, or Members etc.) for an Entity. Repeats are extremely handy when creating signature blocks. In this example we will show first how to create a Signature Block, then how to add a Repeat which will display a signature line for each Director of the Corporation

Creating a Signature Block

Signature blocks are created using tables. Our original document contained a signature block - this text was brought across like this:

  1. Delete Name: Name:
               Name: Name:
  2. Insert a table, type / and type table. A table appears on screen
  3. Hover over the table. Five icons appear to the left
    1. Click the Signature icon
    2. Select Signature Style from the options provided
  4. Type a row of underscores in Row 1, Column 2 - see illustration below
  5. Insert a Directors Fill-in in the cell directly below the row of underscores
    1. Click the cell (row 2, column 2)
    2. Type / then Directors
    3. Click Name from the options provided
    4. Click Name again. Your Signature block looks like this:

    ☝️ Tip! To have your signature blocks appear at the right side of your page - place your cursor in row two, cell one and press the spacebar to travel right across the cell

Creating Repeats

  1. Click the Repeats button in the DocGen Toolbar. The Repeats panel appears at the right-hand side of the screen
  2. Click AddThe Repeats pop-up box appears
  3. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of None 
  4. Choose Directors from the list provided.
    Note: by default, All directors are included, it is also possible to select Current or Ceased Directors
  5. Click Ok

The newly created Repeat appears in the Repeats Panel

Applying the Repeat

  1. Hover over the Signature Block. Five icons appear to the left of the first line of the table
  2. Click the Repeat icon
  3. Click ac:directors when displayed. The Directors Repeat is now applied to your signature block

Using Your Precedent With an Entity

  1. Open the Entity for which you want to produce the Annual Director Resolutions
  2. Go to the Principals > Directors Section
  3. Double-click a Director
  4. From the modal window which opens, click Save & Document
  5. From the dialogue box that opens, locate and click the precedent. Click Ok to open

The precedent opens - the fields are automatically completed for you. Click the Preview button for a more accurate representation of the text which will be exported to Word
☝️ Tip! We used a Text Fill-in for the FYE, remember to perform the following steps before you export your document to Word

  • Click FISCAL YEAR END Fill-In in your document. The Fill-In Options panel displays at the right-hand side of your screen
  • Type the text you want to appear in your document in the ENTER TEXT field

Step Eight - Export the Document to Word

  1. Click Export. The Export dialogue box appears
  2. Click Word (or PDF), then click Ok. The documents exports to Word on your local machine  - a copy is saved in your Downloads folder