Adding Sub-Sections to a Minute Book

Sub-sections can be added to your Minute Book; for example, you may have added Amendments to your Articles Section and now you want to create a Sub-Section to make the Amendments more visible

  1. Open your Entity and navigate to your Minute Book
  2. Navigate to and click the page in your book where you want to insert the new Section
  3. Click the New Section icon at the top right-hand corner of the page where the new Section is to be inserted
  4. The Minute Book Table of Contents changes, see below
    1. A New Section field appears under the section in which your cursor was positioned
  5. Type a name for your new Sub-Section

    ☝️ Tip! New Sub-sections cannot be indented in the list. To differentiate sub-sections you may want to type a symbol in front of the name; e.g., >> Amendents

The new Sub-section appears in your Minute Book Table of Contents and the new Section displays in your Book
⚠️ Note - New sections created "on-the-fly" like this do not automatically have the same "pretty" branded Section pages as your regular section tabs. Should you want a specially branded page please send a note to for assistance