Formatting Precedents

Formatting Text - Bold, Italicize, Underline Etc.

Assumption: Prior to reading this, the text of your Word precedent has already been copied into DocGen.

⚠️    NOTEDocGen is not WYSIWYG. For an accurate view the styles and formatting applied to your document, export to Word or PDF

  1. Select the text. A formatting (pop-up) toolbar appears directly above the selected text
    1. Click for bold.
       (ctrl+b - PC/ cmd+b - Mac also bolds selected text)
    2. Click for italic
      (ctrl+i - PC / cmd+i - Mac)
    3. Click for underline
      ctrl+u - PC / cmd+u - Mac
    4. Click for Strikethrough
    5. Click to Centre text

Applying Headings, Bullets, Numbered Lists Etc.

  1. Click the Format button in the DocGen Toolbar. The Formatting sidebar displays
     - select the text to which you want to apply the formatting
    1. Click to insert a Snippet (or another document) from your precedent database
    2. Click to insert a Page Break at the cursor's location
    3. Click to insert a Table
    4. Click to insert an Annotation - a note visible to users of your precedent. Annotations do not appear on your exported documents
    5. Click a Heading style to the selected text. Export the document to view the actual Heading style
    6. Click to apply Paragraph style to the selected text
    7. Click to apply a Multi-Level Numbered list at the cursor's location
    8. Click to apply a Bulleted List at the cursor's location
    9. Click to apply a Numbered List - this is not a multi-level list

    ⚠️    NOTEDocGen is not WYSIWYG. For an accurate view the styles and formatting applied to your document, export to Word or PDF

    ☝️ Tips!
    Q. How do I delete a Fill-in?
    A. Type some text directly to the right of the Fill-in, backspace over the text including the Fill-in, the Fill-in disappears!

    Q. How do I position my cursor below a table or existing text?
    A. Use the Add blank paragraph feature. Hover below the bottom of your existing text - Click +Add blank paragraph and start typing!