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Removing Access to a Shared Entity

View who is sharing an Entity/Minute Book follow these steps:

  1. Open the Entity.
  2. Click the Share button on the right-hand side of the top bar.
  3. Select Share... from the drop-down list provided. The Share panel opens on the right-hand side of the screen displaying the email address of the person(s) who have access to view this Entity.

    Specific details of the share; e.g., which pages or sections of the Entity are shared with recipient and (optionally) the expiry date of the share access are included here.

    To add another share, click Add Share, type the recipient's email address, select what you would like to share, choose an optional expiry date, and click Share.

  4. To remove a specific recipient's access to the Entity, hover anywhere over the darker grey area to view the recipients in the right-hand Share panel.
    A dark grey X appears at the the top right of the recipient box
    1. Click the x to stop sharing with this recipient

      ☝️ Tip!
      It is also possible to view your shared entities directly from the Dashboard. Click the Hidden Fields button, then choose Sharing from the list provided.
      The sharing column appears on the Dashboard. A white checkmark in a black circle appears in the sharing column when an entity (or portion thereof) has been shared with an external recipient.