Users & List View

User List View

Toolbar (User Settings)

The Toolbar provides various options to customize User Settings to your preferences and needs.

The Toolbar (User Settings) functions in the same way as the Toolbar in the Dashboard but with fields and functionality specific to users rather than entities.

Hide and Show User Fields

Use the Hide Fields button to Hide or Show a variety of fields in the User List View. The addition or removal of fields allows you to view the data in the way you prefer it to be displayed.

Filter Users

You can easily add filters to the User List View. You can filter by any combination metadata. You can even add more than one Filter. This allows you to quickly filter your User List to show you the exact data you need such as everyone with a particular Role or a specific Tag.

Sort User Fields

Use the Sort Fields button to sort a column into the preferred alphabetically order from A-Z or Z-A.

Export Reports

Use Tools to Generate a Report or a CSV of your User Information.

Add a New User

Add a new user to your account (you must be an Admin for this feature to work). You will then need to grant the new user permissions either as an Admin or by setting custom permissions.



By default, users do not have permission to view any entities in the system. This accords to the principle of least privilege. Accordingly, positive steps must be taken to grant a user access to one or more entities. We do this by granting (or, “setting”) permissions.

If we do not correctly set permissions, non-Admin users will be unable to view any entities. The following sections go into further detail on permissions.

Non-admin users cannot create new entities. An admin is required to create the entity first by uploading the Minute Book PDF or custom Minute Book tabs. Non-admins can then edit and add to the Entity. This is a security feature to ensure only admins can create new entities.

Every user is the default group for the User List View. Every user is the default user group that every user is part of. You can think of Every User in the same way you’d think of the Every Entity filter in the Entity List View. The Every user filter cannot be deleted or renamed.

Because every user must (at a minimum) fall into this Every user group by default, we must explicitly grant permissions to a user in order for them to view any entities (as discussed in the No Permissions section below). This follows from the Principle of Least Privilege which is pervasive across the entire MinuteBox Platform.

No Permissions

Permissions are at the core of how any user can view and work with available entities. 

By default, a user cannot view any entities in their Dashboard. This is because they have no permissions to view any entity. Each user (or user group) needs to be explicitly granted permissions to view anything on MinuteBox.

If your user is experiencing a sign-in loop, please check to ensure you have granted permission.

If you’ve logged into MinuteBox and do not see any entities, you may see one of the following screens. Each is indicative of a user having no permissions.

  1. This user has no permissions. Their account needs to be enabled by an Administrator.

This user has no permissions. Their account needs to be enabled by an Administrator.

This user account is successfully enabled but the user has no permissions.

Granting Permissions

From the section above, we learnt that by default, a user has no permissions to view any entities on MinuteBox. There are two ways to grant (“set”) user permissions. 

  • (1) The quickest and easiest is to simply make the user an Administrator. This will instantly give the user the ability to view and work with every entity in your account.
  • (2) The more advanced and granular approach is to set custom user permissions.

We explore both options below.

(1)   Mark the user as an Administrator

From the Settings screen:

  1. Click the User List from the menu on the left of the screen.
  2. View all users from the list of users.
  3. Use the users list to find the user you want to edit.
  4. Scroll to the left of the screen until you see the ••• menu.
  5. Click the ••• menu and select Edit.

From here you can select the Admin for the user.

Once a user is an Admin, they can perform any operation on the system without limitation, including removing other users as Admin. Admins always have access to all users and their access cannot be restricted.

(2)   Set Custom Permissions

Setting up each user in your account as an Admin is typically fine for smaller MinuteBox deployments. For larger, more complex deployments, Administrators can easily set up role based custom permissions.

We highly recommend booking a support session with a MinuteBox Concierge member to set these permissions up.

If you are an account admin, to set permissions for a user follow these steps:


  1. Create an entity filter for the entities you want to apply permissions to.
  2. Create a user filter for the users that you want to give permissions to.
  3. Apply permissions to the user filter for the entity filter according to the permissions you want to set.


1. Create an entity filter for the entities you want to apply permissions to.

  1. Go to the MinuteBox Dashboard.
  2. Click the Filter button in the Toolbar.
  3. Create a Filter based on the options available for the entities you want to add permissions to. For example, if you want to add permissions to all of your entities in Ontario, then simply create a filter where Jurisdiction is Ontario.
  4. Click *Save Filter... and give the filter a descriptive name.

2. Create a user filter for the users that you want to give permissions to.

  1. Go to the MinuteBox Dashboard.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click the ••• action menu.
  3. Select Settings. (Tip: you can quickly navigate to Settings from anywhere in the system by pressing the G key on your keyboard to bring up the Global Go To menu and then press S on your keyboard to travel to settings).
  4. On the left panel click Users.
  5. Follow the same steps as above to create a Filter for the users that you want to give permissions to. For example, if you want all Law Clerks to have access to the entity filter you created in the previous step, create a filter where Role is Law Clerk.
  6. Click *Save Filter... and give the filter a descriptive name.

3. Apply permissions to the user filter for the entity filter according to the permissions you want to set.

  1. Go to the Users section of your account settings. If you have just completed the step above (2. Create a user filter for the users that you want to give permissions to.) then you should already be in the User section of your account settings.
  2. Put your mouse over the saved user filter that you want to give permissions to.
  3. Click the ••• action menu next to the user filter.
  4. Click Set Permissions from the action menu.
  5. Follow the instructions in the Set Permissions modal.
An Important Note

A user that has created an entity will always have view and edit permissions on that entity, notwithstanding any subsequent permissions that are set for the user. 

For example, if Jane Smith creates ABC Inc. and is later added to a filter that attempts to restrict Jane's ability to edit the entity, she will still be able to edit the entity. This only applies to the entities created by a specific user. Solution: If you need to restrict the permissions of an entity created by that user, you must export the entity and have another user re-import the entity so that they will be the "creator".

Permission Types

Choose permissions for the entities

  • View Entities
  • Create Entities
  • Edit Entities
  • Delete Entities
  • View Audit
  • View Notes
  • Create Notes

Identifying Admin Status

Check if you are an admin in Settings:

  1. Go to the MinuteBox Dashboard.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click the ••• action menu.
  3. Select Settings. (Tip: you can quickly navigate to Settings from anywhere in the system by pressing the G key on your keyboard to bring up the Global Go To menu and then press S on your keyboard to travel to settings).
  4. On the left panel click Users.
  5. Find the row containing the user in question.
  6. Find the column with the heading Admin.
  7. If there is a check mark in that column for the user row, then that user is an admin. (Note: Only an admin can make another user an admin)

Please note that MinuteBox Support cannot make users and Admin and has no ability to recover accounts if Admin status is removed.