Adding Users to Your Account

  1. Go to Settings press g + 0 (zero)
    Alternately, click the ellipses at the top right-hand side of the screen - choose Settings from the options provided (see illustration below)

  1. Click Add New User. The Invite User modal window displays
    1. Type the Email address of the new user
    2. Optionally type the User's Role, if applicable - see article on Permissions
    3. Optionally add the User's Office, if applicable
    4. Click Send invitation email
  2. The new user appears in the Users list. Right-click the User's name, choose Edit from the options provided.
    The Edit User modal window displays
  3. Complete as follows:
    1. Type the User's First Name in the field provided
      ☝️ Note! - It is a recommended best practice to provide the new User's First and Last Names. This information assists with the identification of the owners of Precedents and Actions in the future
    2. Type the User's Last Name
    3. Click Enabled
    4. Optionally, click Admin (do not click if your User does not have Administrative permissions; i.e., if the user has a specific role as in the illustration below, they would not have Admin access )
    5. Click Save

The New User receives an email inviting them to Join their MinuteBox Team